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Realty Navigator Broker: Petra Quinn (443) 256-3773

How to Feel at Home in a New Place After Moving

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How to Feel at Home in a New Place After Moving


The hardest part about moving isn’t looking for a new home, packing up all your stuff, or coordinating a complicated move. Often, the most challenging part of a move is getting settled in a new place. New cities always feel strange and unfamiliar. It takes time to feel at home in a new home, especially when you’ve been living in the same place for many years. Don’t worry; that sense of upheaval will subside in good time. Check out the following tips from Realty Navigator to help you get acquainted with your new surroundings more quickly!


Establish Your Business


If you’re an entrepreneur, getting your business up and running is a great way to settle into your new community. Navigating the process of launching a business in a new city will help you familiarize yourself with the local cultures and norms. Plus, opening a business is a great opportunity to meet new people! If you’re moving a registered LLC from another state, remember to register your LLC in Maryland. Online formation services make this easy for those who don’t have the time or budget to work with a lawyer. Just make sure you understand your specific state rules around forming an LLC before getting started.


Unpack Your Home


A home packed with half-empty moving boxes is never going to feel cozy and comfortable. So get all of your stuff unpacked and put away as soon as possible so you can start making your new house feel like home! The Spruce suggests unpacking with a system in mind, starting with your kitchen, so you have everything you need to cook a quick dinner or make a pot of coffee. Next, move on to your bedroom, so you have somewhere familiar to retreat to at the end of a long day. If you have kids, help them get their rooms unpacked and set up before moving on to the rest of your home.


Start Your Regular Routine


Routines keep us grounded in the face of change. If you want to feel at home in your new space, get started on your routine as soon as possible after moving. Sticking to a routine will also help you maximize your time so you can get your new home set up more quickly. Kids and pets, in particular, thrive on routine, so maintaining your regular household routine during and after your move will help your whole family feel a lot more comfortable about this major upheaval.


Meet Your Neighbors


Meeting your neighbors will help you feel a lot less alone in your new neighborhood. Don’t worry; meeting new neighbors doesn’t have to be awkward! On The Go, Moving recommends throwing a housewarming party and inviting everyone on your street. Your neighbors will be excited to see what you’ve done with the place and eager to meet you and your family. If you’re not much for hosting, you can meet your neighbors by spending time outside in your front yard or simply knocking on doors and introducing yourself. Asking questions about the neighborhood, city services, local activities, and community events can serve as a great ice breaker!


Do Something You Love


Like adhering to a routine, doing things you love can lend a sense of normalcy to your new surroundings. Spend a day doing the things that make you happy, whether it’s baking treats, playing music, or relaxing in a hot bath. Do something that can help you take your mind off your long to-do list for a while. Taking time for self-care is essential when you’re in the middle of a stressful move!


Moving to a new city is never easy. While there’s a lot you can do to feel settled more quickly, remember that time alone is the biggest factor when it comes to getting acclimated to an unfamiliar area. It may take a couple of months, but this new place will feel like home eventually. Enjoy this transition period and try to treat it as a new adventure!


Are you looking for a home in the Chesapeake Bay Area? Realty Navigator can help you search for available properties and evaluate your options. Call to talk to an agent today! 443-256-3773

Photo via Pexels



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